Homeless Children in the Philippines

I was talking to a best friend last night about adoption. It’s not so bad to consider it when you look at a picture like this and just see the hopeless that surrounds this young, beautiful angel from the Philippines who should be excited about her future. Unfortunately because she is homeless, she doesn’t have a guarantee of a bright future or even one at all…


Minding Others by Pastor Ken Bell

My father, Pastor Ken Bell, had a very insightful thought posted on his Facebook profile that I wanted to share with you.

I’ll try to answer the question in the box,”What’s on your mind?” Phil.2:5 says, “Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus.” What is on the mind of Christ?

Others, simply others.

Praying for others, loving others, saving others. Others- in my home,down the street, on my job, over the oceans, across the continents. Others- hopeless, hurting, hungry. Help me, Jesus, to have your mind- on others.

Pastor Ken Bell is the pastor of International Baptist Church in the Caribbean island of Antigua where our family serve as missionaries for over 15 years. His TV program, “Bible Talk” weekly educates and inspires people to read and enjoy God’s Word.

Finding Perfect

Maybe you have read the verse in Philippians (Phil 4:11) which Paul says that whatever state he’s in, he is content. Sounds great, but I honestly suffer from time to time to be happy where I am.

I want to finish college. I want to be living on the sea again (I once lived on a ship). I want to live at home. I want to be married. I enjoy being single. Joy seems to roll back and forth like waves in the sea on the bank.

But sometimes the life we want will disarray us from the life that we should value.

(Photo by Colton Bennett)

Jesus told the story of young man who was discontent living under the umbrella of his father. He roughly demanded his immediate share of his inheritance, uprooted his presence at home and moved into the city.

He was finally on his own. Feeling so muddled living at home, he wanted to find his own perfect place. He was tired living a life seemly like a script written for some one else.

The Bible says: “And not many days after, the younger son gathered all together, journeyed to a far country, and there wasted his possessions with prodigal living”. (Luke 15:13)

He jumped at opportunity and seized the life he so wished to enjoy. He finally arrived! But his life turned for the worse, and he found himself at the pig sty, longing to fill his stomach with the pods of the pigs.

Jesus said, “he came to himself, he said, How many of my fathers hired servants have bread enough and to spare, and I perish with hunger! I will arise and go to my father” (Luke 15:17-18).

The young man looked for a perfect life, but the best life he could enjoy on earth was right under his nose.

Enjoy life you have. It may be the best there is.

Loving Lost People

I managed to get myself stranded at my city mall. While I wait for my Good Samaritan, I observed the crowds.

As I glared at the sea of faces around me, I discovered how much I felt detached to them. It was like I was in a foreign terminal or something. I didn’t like this feeling, because although I believe Jesus wants us separate from the world, I don’t believe He wants us to be isolated from it.

The people of the world should not be seen as diseased victims to shun, but lost orphans needing to know they have a Father who loves them and wishes them to come to Him (2 Peter 3:9).

I recall Matthew 14:14, where Jesus looks over the multitude that came to hear Him and it says, He was moved with compassion. He genuinely loved and accepted all people.

As someone hurries here to rescue me, I’m praying that God will open my eyes and help me to love lost people as He loves me.