2 Years


July 6th marked our 2 year anniversary for this blog!

I can’t believe how quickly time has past. But I’m glad we’re came this journey together.

Jesus still surprises me. I’m getting older. And the adventure is not over. It’s joy to know that we are in this together. Let’s keeping moving: Follow the Son!!!

Oddity or Extraordinary? by Rudell Capron

I’m happy to bring back Rudell Capron to the blog whom is a dear friend and passionate follower of the Son Jesus Christ. 

Have you ever thought about the fact that there are so many strange things in the world? Things that seemingly don’t make sense, yet we accept them as truth without having much explanation.

For example, if geese is the plural of goose, then why isn’t meese the plural of moose? Or, if vegetable oil is made from vegetables, and corn oil is made from corn, then what is baby oil made from? I’m pretty sure that you don’t have the answers for these questions either, and though certainly odd, these examples are hardly mind boggling.

But what about the things of this life that we can’t actually see or touch, but are also true? Like the fact that I will one day graduate from college, and be a wife, a mother, or that my dog Oscar of nine years disappeared without a trace, but I still expect to one day come home and find him here even after two years?

What about the fact that we serve a God that we can’t see, believe in His Son who was born of a virgin, lived a sinless life, died for our past, present and future sins more than 2000 years before we even existed, then was miraculously resurrected 3 days later? How about the Holy Spirit, the comforter that speaks, feels, grieves, and does all of this while living within us??

Do you find any of this to be strange, or is it even stranger that I KNOW them to be the truth and don’t find this to be strange in the least? The fact is, I CHOOSE to believe these things by faith. No matter how crazy we may appear for believing on the Father, His Son, and the Holy Spirit, we must be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the faith, that we can know that the present circumstances can not even be compared to the future glory.
Besides, I’d prefer to believe that Oscar will return home rather than believe that baby oil is made from babies…

When the Simple Things Matter Most

Lead 5 people to begin a relationship with Jesus Christ. Have 2 kids every Sunday run into me and hug my leg. Listen to a friend across the sea laugh through her text.

I shared with you some things that inspired me recently and they took a turn striking me on my head. Because I have this idiotic assumption that contentment is somewhere on the other side of the sea waiting for me to open it.

These little things made a big impression on me: Maybe life isn’t so expensive. I guess we don’t have to fight for joy. It’s happening all around us. We just have to know where to look. 

Gratitude has finally grabbed me by the face and made me smile. God found it fitting that I discovered this before I die and see Him.

Value isn’t cheap but it’s free. You make the investment. But don’t wait for the big moments. Create your own memories, because the simple things can make the greatest difference.